The legend retires a week after breaking his neck following a fall in competition

JB Mauney (foto: people)

JB Mauney, considered one of the best bull riders of his generation, is retiring after a serious accident during the PRCA ProRodeo in Lewiston, Idaho. The man fell off the bull, breaking his neck. We know what condition JB Mauney is in.

JB Mauney is a two-time world rodeo champion. Unfortunately, we won’t see him in action anymore because he is forced to retire!

It’s all because of the accident a week ago. During the PRCA ProRodeo, 36-year-old JB Mauney fell off a bull and landed on the ground on his neck. It quickly turned out that the neck was broken and JB Mauney had to go to the hospital.

-I underwent surgery at St. Joseph Regional Medical on my neck, which required a rod/plates/screws and disc removal. The surgery went well. Unfortunately, this surgery ended my career. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am doing well and am now on the road to recovery – Mauney explained on his social media.

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